Friday, October 8, 2010

Crybabies anonymous

Yesterday morning, Tom from North Carolina described our group as "Crybabies anonymous". Imagine that phrase with a southern drawl... At that point, at least half of us had had a cry... and if you counted the damp eyes and tearing up that happens when people are moved, then all of us qualified.

In the afternoon, Shivon was moved to tears by a song led by one of the CCLT members. In the discussion that followed, she raised her hand and said, My name is Shivon. I am a crybaby. Much laughter.

The course has been intense: intensely educational, intensely moving. Combine a safe space to stretch yourself, the magic of beautiful music and voices that harmonize so easily, and Denis's amazing ability to pull exactly the right choice from his reservoire of memorized poetry, and you have a recipe for emotional growth... and tears!

I taught my 3rd song this morning, a beautiful song by Hanna Tiferet Siegel called Planting Seeds. I had created harmonies that I taught the group, and was thrilled to hear it sung. Tomorrow is the last day. My only regret is that I didn't manage my recordings better... I'm going to have a lot of work organizing all this material! Oh well, there's all that time on the plane on Sunday.

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